
The final five vertebrae of the lower back, L1 through L5 (some persons may also have a L6), make up the lumbar spine. Between the thoracic (upper back) and sacral (tailbone) spines, this region of the spine frequently causes lower back pain as well as radiating discomfort. At our medical facilities throughout Florida, our surgeons and spinal specialists provide cutting-edge treatment for several lumbar spine disorders and injuries.

The lumbar spine can be affected by a wide range of issues, many of which have similar symptoms. Even revealing disc or vertebral injury, it may still be difficult to accurately diagnose spinal conditions due to the complexity of the lumbar region. The optimum treatment strategy for lumbar spine diseases and identifying the precise source of pain depend on making an accurate diagnosis. At NOVA Ortho & Spine, we use state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment and therapies to provide lumbar spine pain diagnosis and relief.

Pain relief for conditions of the lumbar spine


There are numerous lumbar spine issues that can result in discomfort and functional problems, ranging from ruptured spinal discs and vertebrae fractures to osteoarthritis and sciatica. Soft tissue injury or the lumbar spine may be the source of lower back discomfort. In order to identify the cause of lower back pain and lower extremities radiculopathy that begin in the lumbar spine, we at NOVA Ortho & Spine use interventional pain diagnostic and therapy. The following lumbar spine conditions are treated at our Florida medical facilities:



One of the most prevalent pain conditions that affects the body’s joints, particularly the facet joints in the spine, is arthritis. Spinal osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that can result in excruciating pain and other symptoms. The damaged areas of the spine, such as the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar ones, determine the symptoms of spinal arthritis.

Back pain arthritis

Due to the wear and tear on the lower region of the spine, osteoarthritis in the lumbar spine is particularly common. There are treatments for lumbar spondylosis, which can be a painful condition that limits mobility. The following are some signs of lumbar spine arthritis:


  • a low back ache
  • Back pain in the lower back
  • only a small range of motion
  • Sciatica causes leg, hip, and buttock discomfort that radiates.
  • spasms of muscles
  • muscle tremor

Lumbar spondylosis does not have a cure, much as all forms of arthritis. Injection therapy, spinal cord stimulation, and other interventional pain management strategies can, nevertheless, reduce pain.


The spinal discs act as shock-absorbing cushions for the spinal column and are located in between each vertebra. The discs may tear or rupture due to trauma, illness, or degeneration, which will cause the gel-like substances inside the disc to protrude. A bulging disc in the spine is the term for this ailment, which can aggravate nearby nerves. Everywhere along the spine, including the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar areas, can experience a bulging disc.

Bulging Lumbar Discs

The lumbar spine is composed of the final five or six vertebrae and discs near the base of the spine. Due to the stress placed on the lumbar spine, flattened, bulging discs are more frequent there. Lumbar bulging discs can be caused by degenerative disease, wear and strain, traumas, and other circumstances. Some symptoms include:


  • a low back ache
  • Sciatica causes tingling, discomfort, and numbness to spread to the legs and buttocks.
  • spasms of muscles
  • discomfort while walking or standing


Compressing nerves due to bulging discs in any part of the spine can result in pain, weakness, and other symptoms. The majority of bulging discs can be managed without surgery using conservative measures. Surgery is only advised after other treatments have failed to relieve a patient’s pain effectively, including injection therapy and other interventional pain treatments.


Little bones called vertebrae, which make up the spine, are prone to fracture, which can result in the vertebrae collapsing. Depending on the type of fracture, spinal compression fractures in the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spine can result in a range of symptoms.

Broken Lumbar Vertebrae

Compression fractures, which can happen over time or as a result of trauma, are most common in the top vertebra in the lumbar spine and involve only the front of the vertebrae collapsing. Flexion-distraction, fracture-dislocation, and burst fractures in the lumbar spine, which affect the other columns in the vertebrae, can happen as a result of trauma injuries.

Vertebral Fracture Treatment

The degree and kind of vertebral fractures determine the course of treatment. Without surgery, conservative and minimally invasive therapies for compression fractures may be effective. Surgery may be necessary to fix the bone in more serious fractures, such as rupture, flexion-distraction, and fracture-dislocations, in order to reduce pain and prevent spinal cord injury.



The vertebrae and spinal cord are supported and cushioned by the spinal discs. The interior of these discs is soft and jelly-like, with a hard exterior shell. Spinal discs can become flatter and more fragile with age and other circumstances, a condition known as degenerative disc disease (DDD).

Low back DDD

Middle-aged people frequently have degenerative disc degeneration in the lower back, sometimes known as the lumbar area. The nerve roots that leave the lumbar spine may experience pressure from the flattened discs. Localized low back discomfort, pain that radiates into the buttocks and legs, pain that gets worse when you sit, localized soreness, and possibly numbness, weakness, or tingling can all be symptoms.

Treatment for degenerative disc disease typically starts out conservatively, with treatments like physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, and injectable therapy. Surgery is only contemplated after alternative therapies fail to relieve pain or other symptoms.


The vertebrae and spinal cord in the spinal column are shielded by the rubbery cushions known as spinal discs. The interior of the spinal discs is soft and jelly-like, with a hard outside. The inner component of the disc may protrude, or herniate, putting pressure on the spinal cord or nerves if the outer shell of the disc tears. Among other symptoms, herniated discs can result in chronic discomfort and weakness.

Herniated Lumbar Disc

Herniated discs caused by disease, trauma, or wear and tear frequently occur in the lumbar, or lower back, region. Nerve discomfort in the low back, buttocks, legs, and feet might result from a leaking disc. Some people may feel muscle spasms in their low back region or weakness or numbness in their legs or feet.


Treatment for a herniated disc is based on how severe the symptoms are. At NOVA Ortho & Spine, we advocate conservative approaches to pain and symptom management since they can be quite successful. Before considering surgery as a treatment option, physical therapy, injectable therapy, and other less invasive procedures are used.


Many people have cervical, thoracic, and lumbar herniated discs without experiencing any pain or other symptoms. Even though the discomfort and the herniated disc are in the same area, it is also possible that they are not related. To choose the best course of action, it is crucial to have a skilled spine specialist provide an accurate diagnosis. To arrange an examination and evaluate your neck or back pain, get in touch with our spine specialists at NOVA Ortho & Spine.


Membranes, spinal discs, and vertebrae that make up the spinal column protect the spinal cord. Myelopathy can occur when an injury, infection, congenital disorder, or degenerative illness compresses the spinal cord. The location of the spinal cord compression, which may be in the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine, affects the symptoms of myelopathy. At NOVA Ortho & Spine, our surgeons provide myelopathy – spinal cord compression treatment.

Lumbar Spine Myelopathy

Since the spinal cord typically terminates at the top of the lumbar spine or just below the bottom of the thoracic spine, lumbar myelopathy is less prevalent than cervical and thoracic. The spinal cord of certain people extends into the upper lumbar spine, though. Low back pain, sciatica, and loss of coordination may result from lumbar spinal cord compression.


Surgery may be necessary to treat spinal cord compression, especially in cases where the symptoms are severe. Nonetheless, certain patients may benefit from interventional therapies that release the spinal cord’s strain. In order to find the safest and most efficient myelopathy treatment for our patients, we at NOVA Ortho & Spine employ a multidisciplinary approach with a team of surgeons and other specialists.


Many spinal diseases that result in nerve compression can be painful. Compression fractures, osteoarthritis, bulging or herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and other disorders of the spine can irritate or compress the nerves, resulting in pain and other symptoms. Depending on where it happens in the spine—cervical, thoracic, or lumbar—spine nerve compression can cause various symptoms.

Compression of the Lumbar Nerve

Due to the strain placed on the discs, vertebrae, and facet joints over time, the lumbar spine is prone to degenerative diseases. In addition to degenerative conditions like arthritis, stenosis, or DDD, trauma or injury may also result in compressed nerves in the lumbar spine. Sciatica and low back pain are signs of lumbar pinched nerves or radiculopathy. The legs, foot, and buttocks may experience pain, numbness, or weakness.

The etiology and location of the pinched nerve determine the best course of treatment for spinal nerve compression. Radiculopathy can be successfully treated with less invasive interventional pain management techniques like injectable therapy.

Injury to the Lumbar Spinal Cord

The most common bodily functions that are affected by lumbar spinal cord injury include urination, bowel movements, sexual activity, and lower extremities. Patients with various kinds of SCIs may experience some degree of paralysis in the hips, legs, and feet, depending on the severity and level of the spinal cord damage.

Therapy for spinal cord injuries can aid in a patient’s full recovery. Modern orthobiologic therapies benefit many patients, and some of them may regain some of their abilities. At NOVA Ortho & Spine, we have some of the most skilled Orthopedic  surgeons who can provide patients with cervical, thoracic, and lumbar SCIs with cutting-edge care.


Spondylolisthesis, also known as spinal instability, is a spinal disorder when a vertebra slips out of place and rests on the vertebra below it. Congenital abnormalities, degenerative spine diseases, trauma, and other illnesses are only a few of the possible causes. The stability of the spine in such areas can be affected by spondylolisthesis, which can develop in the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine.

Spondylolisthesis of the Lumbar

The lumbar portion of the spine is the most frequently affected area by slipped vertebrae. Instability in the lumbar spine can be brought on by excessive lumbar disc, vertebral, injury, and degenerative degeneration. Low back discomfort and stiffness, as well as radicular pain, numbness, or paralysis that extends down into the buttocks or legs, are all signs of lumbar spondylolisthesis.

Depending on how severe it is, spondylolisthesis requires different treatments. For the majority of lower grades, non-invasive or minimally invasive therapy can be used to alleviate pain and other symptoms. Surgery, such as a laminectomy or spinal, may be necessary for severe spine instability.


Spondylolysis is the medical term for a vertebral stress fracture, particularly one in the fragile bone that connects the vertebrae. One in twenty persons are thought to develop spondylolysis, making it a prevalent disorder. Although many people with this ailment don’t experience any symptoms, it can sometimes result in discomfort and other symptoms.

Due to the regular stress placed on the spine, spondylolysis is fairly common. Even routine exercises can cause stress fractures in the pars interarticularis, a tiny portion of bone that connects the vertebrae, but young athletes are more likely to experience them. When the fracture restricts motion or produces discomfort, spondylolysis therapy is required.

Spondylolysis of the Lumbar

The lower lumbar spine is where spondylolysis instances predominate. Bending backwards can impose additional tension on the vertebrae; this is especially prevalent in athletes who place more stress on the lower back. The most typical sign of lumbar spondylolysis is low back discomfort; this condition rarely results in nerve or radiating pain.

Spondylolysis is typically successfully treated with conservative measures. The vertebrae can recover and become pain-free with the help of rest, braces, physical therapy, and interventional pain therapies. The stress fracture can only be repaired surgically in severe cases of spondylolysis.


Spinal stenosis, or narrowing of the spinal column, can result in a wide range of symptoms. The spinal cord and nerve roots leaving the spine may be under stress when the spinal column gets smaller. The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spines are all susceptible to stenosis, which can cause a variety of symptoms and consequences.

Spinal stenosis may be caused by a variety of factors. Although congenital factors might result in a narrower spinal column, injury, degenerative illness, and wear and tear are the main causes of decreased space inside the spinal column. Nerves and the spinal cord can get compressed as a result of bone spurs, thicker ligaments, bulging discs, and other diseases that restrict the space in the spine.

Lumbar to Spine Stenosis

Age and degenerative illness are the main causes of lumbar spinal stenosis. Over many years, the spinal column may gradually narrow, putting pressure on the lumbar spine’s nerve roots. Low back pain, as well as pain, numbness, and weakness that extend down into the buttocks and legs, are the most typical signs of lumbar stenosis. Some people may experience bladder incontinence or impaired leg motor function.

Reducing pain and other symptoms is the primary goal of treatment for cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal stenosis. Nerve compression brought on by stenosis may be lessened through interventional and minimally invasive procedures. If non-operative measures fail to relieve nerve or spinal cord compression, spine surgery may be required.

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