The shoulder has two joints instead of just one, giving it a wider range of motion than other joints. The shoulder is prone to several diseases and illnesses because it has a complicated joint arrangement that enables a 180-degree range of motion and great leverage. At NOVA Ortho & Spine, our orthopedic surgeons provide cutting-edge shoulder orthopedic care for a wide range of shoulder issues.

The shoulder plays a crucial role in every arm and hand motion. Every part of the arm, elbow, wrist, and hand can be impacted if it is weakened from a rotator cuff injury or stiff from arthritis or bone spurs. Getting an accurate diagnosis of shoulder pain or functional issues is needed to determine the source of dysfunction and the best course of treatment.

Care for Shoulder Conditions and Injuries

A complex network of bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and soft tissues that make up the shoulder must cooperate with one another. Comfort, range of motion, and general function may be affected when one component is injured. Our orthopedic team is capable of diagnosing and treating the majority of shoulder injuries and ailments, including:


By way of the bicep tendons, the bicep is attached to the shoulder blade. For overhead lifting and arm strength, the muscle and tendons are equally important. An orthopedic surgeon must be consulted if a bicep tendon ruptures or tears due to injury, high force, or degenerative diseases. At NOVA Ortho & Spine, our orthopedic doctors can perform bicep tendon rupture surgery or treatment.

Tendons on either end of the bicep muscle connect it to the elbow and shoulder. At the shoulder, the coracoid process and the top of the shoulder socket are where the biceps tendons attach. Bicep tendon ruptures or tears, both partial and full, can affect the motion for the arm and hand.


For people of all ages, a clavicle fracture, sometimes known as a fractured collarbone, is a common shoulder injury. A fractured clavicle can occur in practically anyone, including young children who fall out of trees, outdoor accidents, car accidents and the elderly. The course of treatment is determined by the location and degree of the bone damage caused by the fracture. At NOVA Ortho & Spine our orthopedic doctors and surgeons provide cutting-edge clavicle fracture orthopedic care.

A clavicle fracture can have an impact on your shoulder and arm function. Symptoms of a broken collarbone include:

  • Severe pain
  • Shoulder may droop in a forward direction
  • Difficulty using arm or shoulder
  • A lump on the chest over the fracture
  • Inability to lift associated arm
  • Bruising and swelling

Depending on how badly the collarbone was shattered, different treatments are required. Many clavicle fractures can be treated by immobilizing the arm with a sling while it heals if there is simply a broken bone or if the bones align. Surgery may be necessary to heal and stabilize the clavicle internally in cases of more severe or complicated fractures. An open reduction is required, followed by stability with plates or screws and rehabilitation.


The main shoulder joint is the ball-and-socket that includes the scapula (shoulder blade) and the top of the humerus (Upper arm) bone.  The inside capsule of tissue and synovial fluid allows the ball to move freely in the socket. When the capsule tightens and restricts movement, the condition is called frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis.

Adhesive Capsulitis: Its Causes and Stages

Sometimes the origin of frozen shoulder cannot be determined. The tissue inside the shoulder capsule hardens and tightens over time, eventually becoming stiff. Adhesions, which are bands of tissue, form inside the shoulder joint and limit mobility. There are a number of potential explanations, one of which is the shoulder joint becoming immobile as a result of an accident or surgery. The risk of frozen shoulder is increased by some medical disorders, such as diabetes. Typically, adhesive capsulitis develops in stages:

  • Freezing – The shoulder becomes stiffer and more painful to move for one or more months
  • Frozen – The shoulder joint is very stiff with little range of motion for several months
  • Thawing – The shoulder joint begins to expand the range of motion and strength are slowly regained over several months

Frozen shoulders are a frustrating condition that can last for years. It begins with aching pain and stiffness in the shoulder and upper arm. When it progresses, it can greatly limit the use of the arm and overall mobility. If you have symptoms of adhesive capsulitis, contact us at NOVA Ortho & Spine.


The humerus, or upper arm bone, is prone to fractures. The majority of humerus fractures happen either at the middle (shaft) or close to the shoulder (proximal). Treatment for a broken upper arm bone varies depending on the type of fracture. Although many humerus fractures can be treated without surgery, complicated or displaced fractures may necessitate surgery.

Causes and Signs of an Upper Arm Broken Bone

Accidents of many kinds frequently result in broken upper arm bones. Broken arms can occur from falls, whether they are from great heights or on an extended arm. Both proximal and shaft humerus fractures can happen in high-impact outdoor activities and auto accidents. The following are signs of a humerus fracture:

  • Severe pain
  • Bruising and swelling
  • Deformity of the arm
  • Difficulty or inability to move shoulder or arm

A medical examination and imaging are required to ascertain the severity of the break and injury when a humerus fracture occurs. A brace or cast is typically used to immobilize the bone while it heals if it is a straightforward break and the bones may be realigned without surgery. Surgery is typically necessary, though, if the fracture is displaced, complicated, or open.

Treatment and recovery time for humerus fractures can vary substantially. Both a bone fracture and injury to the nerves and tissues are conceivable. To fully restore the function of the arm and shoulder after a complex fracture, surgery and several months of recovery and therapy may be necessary.

Contact our orthopedic specialists at NOVA Ortho & Spine if you or a member of your family requires treatment for an upper arm bone (humerus) fracture.


The glenoid (shoulder socket in the scapula) and the humeral head form the primary shoulder joint, which is a ball and socket joint (ball of the upper arm bone). The interior of the socket is lined with cartilage, with a ridge of harder cartilage along the rim known as the labrum. Shoulder labral tears can happen and affect the stability and performance of the shoulder.

  • Falling on an outstretched arm
  • Repetitive shoulder motions
  • Direct impact to the shoulder
  • Heavy lifting overhead
  • Sudden pulling on the arm/shoulder
  • Automobile accidents

Frequent dislocations, pain that extends overhead, and pain while sleeping are all signs of a torn labrum in the shoulder. Movement of the shoulder may feel catching or grinding, and there is frequently a loss of strength and range of motion.

Arthroscopic Labral Repair

Physical therapy and over-the-counter pain relievers are frequently effective non-surgical treatments for mild or moderate shoulder labral tears. Surgery can be indicated if these are ineffective. Surgery performed on individuals who have a torn labrum or SLAP tear is referred to as shoulder arthroscopy with a labral repair. Small incisions are used during this minimally invasive procedure to repair the torn labrum, restoring mobility and easing pain.


The rotator cuff is a collection of muscles and tendons that is located inside the shoulder joint and is in charge of keeping the arm in the shoulder joint. A rotator cuff tear occurs when one or more of the tendons are strained or ripped.

The rotator cuff’s architecture is just one of the numerous ways why the shoulder is a special joint and configuration. In contrast to most joints, the four muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff are attached to the top of the humerus inside the joint. The shoulder bursa makes it possible for the tendons to move without resistance over the scapula. However, if the bursa or tendons become irritated, there may be friction due to the small amount of room inside the joint, leading to shoulder pain and restricted motion.

Rotator cuff tears: their causes and symptoms

Depending on the degree and nature of the damage, rotator cuff tears can be either partial or full. A rotator cuff tendon can be torn by trauma. An acute rotator cuff tear might happen as a result of lifting something jerkily or falling on an arm that is extended. Degenerative rotator cuff tears result from overuse and tendon deterioration. Repetitive actions, bone spurs, or a lack of blood flow can all contribute to this. Rotator cuff tears caused by trauma or degenerative arthritis can be either partial or whole.

Symptoms of rotator cuff tears can occur suddenly with a trauma injury or slowly worsen with degenerative fraying and tears. These include:

  • Crackling sensation when moving arm or shoulder
  • Pain when lifting or pulling
  • Pain in shoulder when sleeping or at rest
  • Weakness when rotating or lifting arm

Conservative treatments for mild or partial rotator cuff tears include anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections, physical therapy, and rest. Surgery might be necessary, though, if the tears are significant or complete.

At NOVA Ortho & Spine, we provide cutting-edge rotator cuff repair alternatives. For the treatment of shoulder impingement associated with a rotator cuff tear, an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is frequently performed along with an arthroscopic subacromial decompression and distal clavicle excision.

Contact our NOVA Ortho & Spine if you are experiencing signs of rotator cuff injuries.

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