Link: The final five vertebrae of the lower back, L1 through L5 (some persons may also have a L6), make up the lumbar spine. Between the thoracic (upper back) and sacral (tailbone) spines, this region of the spine frequently causes lower back pain as well as radiating discomfort. At our medical facilities throughout Florida, our surgeons and spinal specialists provide cutting-edge treatment for several lumbar spine disorders and injuries.

Trauma, such as from a broken neck, neck sprain, or whiplash, is the most common cause of neck injury. Car and other motor vehicle accidents, falls, and sports-related impact are examples of trauma. They may cause soft tissue injuries to the neck muscles, or fractures of the spine However, if these conservative treatments fall short of total relief, NOVA Ortho & Spine surgeons are skilled in the most cutting-edge surgical procedures.